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NG Advantage LLC

NG Advantage LLC


NG Advantage LLC

78 Severance Green
Suite 102
Colchester, VT 05446 | map | directions
Connect With Us
NG Advantage provides the economic and environmental benefits of clean-burning natural gas to power generators, gas utilities, and large industrial end users that do not have sufficient supply from pipeline natural gas. NG Advantage is the leading provider of "virtual pipeline" service in the country and pioneered trucking compressed natural gas using one of the largest “virtual pipeline” trailer fleets in the US. The company's current customers include gas utilities - where NG Advantage provides pipeline pressure and capacity support - regional hospitals, paper mills, asphalt plants, food processors, industrial dry cleaners, and manufacturing facilities. Majority- owned by Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE), NG Advantage is expanding nationwide from its headquarters in Vermont.
Member Since: 2012