The Vermont Chamber of Commerce is the most powerful and influential voice of business in the state. We are on a mission to help our members grow their businesses and to build a strong and vibrant economy for Vermont.
Meet our team of dedicated, skilled professionals and learn who to contact to get the information you need.
Our Board of Directors come from all sectors of Vermont's business community. Their expertise and experience help us serve the diverse needs of our members.
(802) 223-3443
751 Granger Road Berlin, VT 05641
Discover how you can leverage your membership to grow your business.
Find out what the Chamber can do for your business!
The Chamber offers a full slate of engagement opportunities through participation, marketing, and more.
Looking for a member of the Vermont Chamber? Click below.
Renew your membership easily through our online renewal portal.
Our team is on the ground advocating for equitable policies that ensure the success of all Vermont businesses.
We have the knowledge and the relationships to make a real difference on the issues that matter most to you.
The Vermont Chamber produces several newsletters to keep members informed and up-to-date on important business news. From legislative updates, to economic, hospitality, and manufacturing news, get the information you need!
Visit our Commerce Connection and State to Main archives.
Select the news you want to receive and update your choices any time! Not a member yet? Subscribe to receive news on select topics.
The Vermont Chamber and the Department of Tourism and Marketing formed a powerful partnership to create a full suite of digital and print products to promote your business to Vermont visitors. Learn about our proven products here.
Get the marketing exposure you need. We've got something for every budget. Find out how we can showcase your business to Vermont visitors.
The Stay & Play Directory is the source for comprehensive business listings that visitors depend on to plan their trips.