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Prevent Child Abuse - Vermont

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Prevent Child Abuse - Vermont

Prevent Child Abuse - Vermont


Prevent Child Abuse - Vermont

1 Blanchard Ct, Suite 102
Montpelier, VT 05602 | map | directions
802-229-5724 | 800-244-5373 | fax: 802-223-5567
Connect With Us

Prevent Child Abuse Vermont (PCAVT) is the Vermont Chapter of Prevent Child Abuse America and the National Circle of Parents. The mission is to promote and support healthy relationships within families, schools and communities to eliminate child abuse. PCAVT has been serving children and families at significant risk of child abuse and neglect for 43 years by creating, adopting and carrying out statewide, innovative, effective prevention programs. In 2017 PCAVT served 16,115 children and parents, caregivers and educators through direct service and training. The programs and trainings impacted approximately 42,015 children and teens. PCAVT has a central office in Montpelier, and four Family Support Programs Coordinators work out of regional office space around the state.

PCAVT’s programs are always conducted in collaboration with other local and statewide organizations including: schools, childcare centers, parent/child centers, Community Action, the Vermont Department of Health district offices, maternity units of local hospitals, district offices of the Vermont Department for Children and Families, Vermont Department of Corrections facilities, domestic violence shelters, substance abuse treatment and recovery centers, communities of faith and businesses. Currently, PCAVT has over 250 collaborating partners and 180 volunteers statewide.  PCAVT programs are unique in that they are strength- based and teach adults about how to nurture healthy development in children, and emphasize adult responsibility for keeping children safe.
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Member Since: 2002