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GBIC Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation

GBIC Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation


GBIC Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation

60 Main Street, Suite 101
PO Box 786
Burlington, VT 05402 | map | directions
802-862-5726 | fax: 802-860-1899

Since 1954, the Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation (GBIC), has strengthened the economy of Vermont's Chittenden County and improved the quality of life for area residents by creating and retaining sustainable jobs and economic opportunities within the region and the state. 

As the certified non-profit economic development corporation serving Chittenden County, GBIC is dedicated to implementing our vision of a thriving Lake Champlain region.  This includes an economic environment providing meaningful employment consistent with an uncompromised natural environment, while enabling present and future generations of Vermonters to, learn, work, and play in the Champlain Valley.

GBIC strives to attract, retain, and expand environmentally sensitive high-paying jobs in the Champlain Valley, and to initiate and support advocacy, education, and collaborative programs in promoting our Vision

Member Since: 2023