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Milne Travel

Milne Travel


Milne Travel

325 No. Main St.
Barre, VT 05641 | map | directions
MILNE ALTOUR has locations serving Vermont in Barre, South Burlington and Middlebury.
  • Milne’ TMC division is second to none with technology, global reach and personal service for Vermont businesses.

  • Milne’s vacation travel division has been helping travelers see the world for over forty years. Work with a local office and live counselor!

  • Milne’s professional meeting management and inbound tour services for inbound groups to Vermont/New England/New York and Quebec can help you create a unique and custom travel experience no matter where you are traveling from.

  • Milne's Educational Tour Department partners with educators and group leaders to plan fully customized tours through our commitment to excellence in educational travel, cultural and language exchange.

  • Service ~Volunteers is Milne’s “pay it forward” program designed to make the world a better place by inspiring  volunteers and recognizing the organizations they serve.  Visit
  • Member Since: 1981